Overwhelmed by the thought of social media but know it's something you have to do if you really want to succeed? 
Social Media Virtual Training by Jonathan Hawkins
Social Media Virtual Training by Jonathan Hawkins
It's time to TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF SOCIAL MEDIA once and for all!
(Or scroll on to read more about this unique program...)

The Single Biggest Secret To Selling More On Social Media

...That Almost Nobody Knows About!

As A Marketing Consultant For Some Of The Largest Companies And Experts Around The World, And The Chief Marketing Officer of HeartCore Business, I've Been Able to Look Behind The Scenes Of:

17,943 Social Media Channels...
and 7,458 Split Tests...

From: Jonathan Hawkins
Huntington Beach, CA

There is a difference between having social media channels...

and having channels that are actually making money (wouldn't you agree?).

As the Chief Marketing Officer of HeartCore Business and a marketing consultant for some of the largest companies and experts around the world, I have a unique opportunity to see behind the scenes of thousands of social media channels, to see what's working, and what's not working.

Recently we analyzed over 17,943 channels, and looked at over 7,458 split tests ran by our clients...

Trying to find a pattern of what made some social media channels successful, while others flopped.

Instantly, we got rid of the "outliers" so the data was not swayed. (Channels with less than 5 posts and channels already having more than 100,000 true followers). Why? The majority of people don't fall into the "celebrity / influencer" status, nor do they need to in order to profit from social media.

As you can imagine, this was NOT a quick or easy process, and it took over 18 months just to analyze.

We drew a lot of connections, but the majority of them led us into something that couldn't be automated.

But then something began to stand out....

As We Kept Researching, Testing, and Discussing,

A Set Of Patterns Emerged...

And what we found shocked us! We found that it had NOTHING to do with:

  • What social media channel you used...
  • What your content looked like...
  • Or even what product/service you were selling!

But instead, it had everything to do with your ability to:

  • Be seen everywhere on social media (even when you're not)...
  • Understand how to tell your brand's story through content... 
  • ​How well you can use the fundamentals of persuasion to build rapport with your followers...
  • ​Build raving fans who bought from you over and over again, and became lifelong customers...
  • ​Change the way you sell by focusing on the "transformation"!

They Had Mastered The Art Of Planning, Scheduling, and Implementing Social Media Content For Their Ideal Customers at The Right Time and Place...

And Showed Them How Get From Where They're At To Where They Wanted To Be...

Many people get nervous around me when I start talking about marketing, especially when they hear me say the phrase "Social Media..." because they don't consider themselves an Expert.

"But Jonathan... I don't even know what to post. I'm afraid to be in front of the camera. I'm never going to go speak on a stage like you..."

Jonathan Hawkins Speaking on Stage

For those who are thinking that, I want to remind you that your social media channels are your virtual stage.

By positioning yourself on social media and learning to tell a story in a way that gets people to think and move, you are able to guide people into your sales cycle, giving them the results they are looking for.

Think About Every One Of My Social Media Channels That You Have Ever Seen... I Am Always Your Guide Walking You To Another Step:

(Whether that's by asking a question and getting you to engage OR just getting you to think about it in your head... I am always guiding you through each step)

Think about all of the clients and companies that have worked with me, and then go and look at their channels and across their entire marketing strategy.

  • What do you see on all of their posts?
  • Who is greeting you on a landing page and what is the product/service they are presenting?
  • How do they make a virtual presentation that explains why you should purchase their product/service? (And why do you listen...)
  • Then how do they get you to take them up on an upsell?
  • ​And where did this process all begin?
Jonathan Hawkins Social Media VT

YES! In every case it started from social media and that person or company mastered how to stay in front of you and most importantly, how to guide you exactly where they wanted to go!

I believe most people don't have a talent problem, they have a marketing problem.

You have what it takes and you have an obligation to serve a group a people with the products, services, and offers you've created!

People view your social media channels looking for a solution to their problems.

By positioning yourself correctly and learning how to tell a story that gets people to think and move, you are able to guide people across your channels and into your sales cycle, giving them the results they are looking for.

This is how you change the lives of your customers, and this is how you scale your business. And, it starts on social media.

Most people who use social media don't have a plan for their product/service to sale because they don't understand that they have to guide their ideal client at the right time, with the right message, when they are wired to take action.

Having a big "why" doesn't get someone to give you money.

I spent over eighteen months analyzing everything we had learned and the way they were doing it, and created an intelligent social media calendar that will help you turn your social media visitors into raving fans and lifelong customers!

  •  Social Media VT will help you plan out your social media content and get your brand seen without ever thinking "what should I post?"...
  • ​Social Media VT will show you exactly what to say that gets people to think and move...
  • Social Media VT will teach you how to turn your social media channels into profit.

I have traveled the globe teaching these same strategies to increase sales through social media for:

People and Companies in every industry you can think of.

  • Coaches/Consultants
  • ​Online Course Creators
  • Local Small Businesses
  • Insurance Agents
  • ​Network Marketers
  • Real Estate Agents
  • ​Marketing Agencies/Freelancers
  • Bloggers/Affiliate Marketers
  • Mortgage Professionals
  • ​And More...!
Jonathan Hawkins

Still thinking about whether this is for you or not?

My name is Jonathan Hawkins and I’d love to share with you what I do every single year to generate millions of dollars for myself and clients.
Here’s the thing about social media...
You have the desire to do BIG THINGS.
You have a story and a message that needs to be heard.
You know it’s a great way to get more leads and sales.
And the way to start it right is with a proven social media strategy.

Here’s how it works...

Introducing the Intelligent Social Media Method

Social Media Method
Social Media Steps
  • Attract
  • Optimize
  • Systemize
  • ​Engage
  • ​Monetize



Begin with the end in mind and attract the right audience to the right message at the right time.



Get your content discovered by the algorithms by optimizing your profiles and content, for free.



Your content should be seen everywhere, even if you're not, by having the right systems in place.



Ensure interaction to keep your audience coming back for more and bringing new people with them.



Pay the bills, reinvest into your marketing, and add money into your piggy bank.
Jonathan Hawkins

Why is it important to have
social media strategy?

Well for one, if you have a team, everyone involved with the content creation process is now fully informed about their objectives, important dates, and most importantly, can see where their contribution fits into your overall content strategy.
“Oh, but Jonathan, I’m just starting out and I don’t have a team so I don’t need this?!?”
You want to be doing this even if you are a solopreneur, so that you can eventually focus on the strategic growth of your business.
Being able to easily click into all the details, timelines, and objectives of any given piece of content is essential, but also having the ability to see the bigger picture in how your content is lined-up over the month, quarter or even the year ahead. A good planner allows for that so you can easily strategize the way you publish content to your audience.

So let me ask you...

Would you like to have a super profitable, well planned out, easy to understand social media strategy designed to take out all of the complication and guesswork… WITHOUT paying $10,000 for me to show you how?

As You Can See...

I've Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Only Question Now Is, Are YOU Next?

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